Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Is It Time for New Air Ducts in Your Home?

Monday, February 24th, 2025

The ductwork that attaches to your HVAC system can easily last for longer than any air conditioner or heating system, especially with proper care. But there does come a time when you need to replace your ductwork entirely and get a fresh start.

You can keep reading to learn about the signs that it’s time to install new air ducts in your home and how the investment can help your HVAC system operate better. Think give us a call for your new duct installation in Morton Grove, IL.

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How Does an Air Purifier Work?

Monday, December 16th, 2024

A whole-house air purifier is a great investment in your indoor air quality. But before you invest in one, you may be wondering exactly how these add-ons work. Why should you choose a whole-house model over a portable one?

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about whole-home air filtration in Winnetka, IL. You’ll find out why now is a great time to boost your indoor air quality and learn how these unique systems work. You have a couple of different options and we can go into greater detail when we visit your home for an assessment.

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Yes, Cleaner Indoor Air Does Help You Sleep Better

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Improving your indoor air quality is all about improving your health. And what better way to improve your health than to help you sleep better? Having clean indoor air is one of the best ways to elevate sleep quality.

And to do that, you need to invest in a whole-house air purifier in Winnetka, IL. You can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a whole-house air purifier and how one of these units can help you sleep better at night. Then give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment so we can review how a whole house air purifier would work in your home.

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This Is What You’re Really Breathing in at Home

Monday, October 9th, 2023

When you really take a step back and think about what’s in your air, what do you picture? The truth is, there’s a lot of particulate matter floating in your air right now, much of which can be harmful to your health.

To put it into perspective for you, if you don’t have a whole house air filtration system in Morton Grove, IL, you’re breathing in air that’s around 4-9x worse than the air that’s outside. Let’s talk about what’s actually entering your lungs right now.

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How to Know if a Whole Home Air Filtration System Would Benefit Your Family

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Is it really a good idea to get a whole home air filtration system in Winnetka, IL? We know it’s a big commitment and another system to maintain in your home, but most homeowners just assume the AC filter takes care of your air quality.

We can assure you that it’s helping, but it’s certainly not pulling all that weight. Your air still has a bunch of particulate matter floating around, and it’s impacting your family’s health.

The short answer is to ask whether your family would benefit. If it’s a yes, then let’s explain why so you can get a full, clear picture.

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What’s in Your Air: Why Your Indoor Air Quality is Worse Than You Think

Monday, July 17th, 2023

The air you breathe isn’t just important–it’s critical to your health. Every minute of every day, you could be breathing in allergens, pet dander, dust, debris, and disease-causing bacteria.

If that made you tense up, that’s a good thing. Thankfully, a whole house air purifier in Northbrook, IL can help you take control of your indoor air quality. This helps you sleep better, breathe easier, and live better. Let’s break into all the details below.

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What’s in Your Air? Why Your Indoor Air Quality is Worse Than You Think

Monday, June 26th, 2023

The air you breathe is pretty important. Everyone can agree with that. But the air in your home as it stands right now could have up to 3.5x more pollutants than the air outside (and in some cases, even more than that).

The answer? A whole house air purifier in Northbrook, IL. By purifying the air in your home, you help everyone in your home breathe a little easier. But why? Let’s take a look at what’s floating around in the air you breathe right now.

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What to Expect During New Duct Installation

Monday, March 13th, 2023

New ductwork is a big project for your home. If your old ductwork has deteriorated or is simply no longer useful, then you’ll have to replace it to maintain good levels of energy efficiency.

But how do you know what to expect with duct installation in Northbrook, IL? There might be more to it than you realize, so let’s walk through the process together so you aren’t blindsided.

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How an Air Purifier Works

Monday, September 13th, 2021

Air purifiers are wonderful systems that help target contaminants and remove them from your indoor air. If you’ve heard about them, or if you have neighbors and friends that use air purifiers, then you might be intrigued by how much this system can help. That’s what we’re here for!

When it comes to HVAC services in Wheeling, IL, air purification is one of the most powerful and effective services we provide. We can install an air purifier that protects all of the air in your home with ultraviolet light.

For homeowners that don’t know about the technology, or for homeowners who are experts in ultraviolet light purification, this blog post is going to go into the science behind air purifiers. We’ll discuss how it works, why it works, and what it might be able to provide for your home! Hopefully, you leave this post more informed about air purifiers and the technology that can protect your air.

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How an Air Purifier Protects Your Home

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Homeowners everywhere are starting to really focus on their indoor air quality. We know we talk about this often, but it’s becoming especially important as vaccination rates continue to climb and we’re aware of the virus that lingers around us. If you could take extra steps to ensure your home was safe, secure, and smelled fresh, wouldn’t you?

If the answer is yes, then you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss the technology behind air purifiers in Skokie, IL as well as start talking about some of the best reasons why you might want to invest in a system like this. Air purifiers are proven to eliminate bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and other germs, with the benefit of keeping your home clean and odorless.

If you weren’t convinced about the importance of an air purifier before this, then we promise you will be!

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