Isn’t this the most important thing when fall and winter roll around? Sure, back to school shopping is important, and we all get excited about our holiday plans, but what’s the point of all of this if your house can’t be warm and endure the elements? Heating is such an integral aspect of our lives that it just can’t be ignored.
If you’ve stumbled onto this blog then chances are high you’re a vigilant and responsible homeowner. You’ve probably been looking for some ways to make this fall and winter a lot different from the drafty last heating season. While a heating system tune-up in Buffalo Grove, IL is going to be the most direct way to improve your home comfort, there are some other tips that we’d like to talk about.
From insulation to some best practices, we can help you get set up for success in the next few months.
Insulate Your Home
Insulation is a vital step when it comes with keeping your home warm during the winter. After all, if your heater is in great shape and produces plenty of hot air, it’s not going to matter much if most of that hot air is escaping through cracks in the wall, floor, doors, and windows.
Try insulating your home with various degrees of professional help. Some insulation projects can even be taken on yourself, and they’ll go a long way towards keeping you comfortable and reducing your energy or fuel bills in the winter. You’ll thank us down the line for this advice!
Allow for Proper Airflow
If you’ve got air vents in your home or mini split air handlers on your walls, floors, or ceilings, then you need to allow them access to your air. This means clearing out enough space so that air can easily flow through your home from room to room. Make sure doors are open if you want circulation to make rooms warmer that would normally get cold.
This is all meant to ensure that your thermostat reads the correct temperature when things need to be warmed up. If your thermostat is reading a colder temperature in a room that’s closed off, your heater will overwork itself.
Run Your Ceiling Fan in Reverse!
Ceiling fans might be helpful in the summer, but they’re also helpful in the winter! When you run them in reverse, they’ll actually create a convection current and keep the heat created by your heater from rising to the ceiling. This will push the comfortable air down to where you can feel it! This is especially helpful in homes with high or vaulted ceilings, since hot air can get trapped up there and cause your HVAC system to lose efficiency.
Sign Up for Heater Maintenance
Maintenance is the best way to start the heating season off strong. We’ll fully evaluate your heater to fix budding problems. We’ll make sure it’s running efficiently, lubricate certain components, and discuss with you the condition of the system. Nothing is more helpful when preparing for the winter, than getting a tune-up!
Call Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. for a heating system tune-up!