The Science Behind AC Refrigerant

May 24th, 2021

Close your eyes and imagine your air conditioner. (Obviously do this after you read this blog post, since it’s hard to close your eyes and read at the same time) Picture the system working at peak performance in your head. How does it actually cool the air in your home? What’s going on inside that mysterious outdoor cabinet that’s keeping your home comfortable?

No it’s not using ice, and no, it’s not just blowing in air like a fan. It’s completely a very complex process where it uses a specific type of refrigerant to draw heat from your home and disperse it outdoors. This specific process is what we call “the cooling process” and it’s the most important aspect of your AC.

If you’re in need of help with your AC, from AC maintenance in Lake Bluff, IL, to AC repairs, then you’re going to need a baseline level of understanding about how your system’s refrigerant works.

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5 Common AC Repairs to Address Today

May 17th, 2021

Air conditioners can run into many different types of problems. If you’ve gotten to this blog post, you’ve probably been in a frenzy of online searches trying to pinpoint which AC problem is affecting you specifically. The truth is that it’s not as simple as looking up your AC symptoms online and making the fix yourself.

Firstly, you’re going to need professional repairs. Amateur or DIY repairs are the easiest way to void your system warranty, cause even more problems, and cost the most money down the line. It’s time to nip this problem in the bud by calling a team of trusted professionals that can get the job done.

Let’s talk about 5 different AC repairs in Highland Park, IL, and the symptoms behind each one. If anything sounds familiar, be sure to call our team so we can help you as soon as possible. We always get the job done.

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It’s Time to Invest in an Air Purifier

May 3rd, 2021

Contaminants are everywhere these days. We don’t just mean everywhere in your home, but they’re all over the news, in our favorite TV shows, and they’re some of the biggest reasons why we can’t take that vacation for the second year in a row. If anything, homeowners are at least a bit more aware of how delicate the balance is between personal hygiene and home hygiene. Our homes depend on both technology and good practices in order to keep things safe and secure.

While no indoor air quality system is going to replace washing your hands and keeping surfaces clean, an air purifier installation in Glenview, IL can absolutely cause a measurable improvement in your quality of life.

Below, we’ve listed a few reasons why air purifiers are worth every single penny. We don’t want homeowners diving into a purchase they don’t fully understand, so we’re going to inform you about the benefits of these systems.

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Last Year’s AC Problems Occurring Today

April 12th, 2021

When something is “time-sensitive,” what does that mean to you? You probably think about getting invited to an event where you have to RSVP, or paying your bills. These things need to be done in a certain amount of time, otherwise, you’re out of luck, right? Well, homeowners think that their air conditioner repair doesn’t fit that category, but that’s not entirely true.

AC systems can run into problems that either get worse over time or stay just as bad as they always were. An unfortunate reality about machine problems is that nothing ever gets better on its own. A technician needs to fix it properly. Do you need air conditioning service in Wilmette, IL because you’ve got a reoccurring problem from last year? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

Today, let’s focus on what the big deal is with AC repair and why you should almost never wait until “next year” to get it fixed.

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It’s Spring and You Know What That Means!

March 29th, 2021

It’s springtime! The birds are chirping, the flowers are starting to bloom, the sun is out late, and temperatures are starting to finally get warm. Pretty soon we’ll be taking out our air conditioners and dealing with heatwaves in a matter of weeks!

Uh oh, this is probably the point where your stomach churns as you realize that you forgot to schedule AC maintenance last year and you almost forgot to schedule it this year as well. In fact, you’re probably starting to wonder if an air conditioning tune-up in Buffalo Grove, IL is even worth the money. Your HVAC professional has mentioned how important it is, but maybe they’re just trying to sell you a service. Maybe you don’t actually need AC maintenance, right?

Nope, that’s not right. We’ll talk about why maintenance is so crucial to your air conditioner’s lifespan and your budget.

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Get the Most Out of Rebates, Credits, and Promotions

March 14th, 2021

It takes a lot to locate and take advantage of promotions online. We’ve all been there, spending hours staring at our phones or computer screens while we constantly refresh and search the page looking for ways to save 2, 5, or even 10% on a huge cost like HVAC.

Luckily, when it comes to HVAC services in Deerfield, IL, it actually pays off to work with a team that actively seeks these kinds of incentives out and helps you save. Any price off of your HVAC work, whether it’s installing a new air conditioner or repairing your heater, is going to be a good idea on our end. That just solidifies our relationship as your go-to service provider, and we couldn’t be happier with that outcome (and your wallet being a bit thicker!).

So, let’s talk about the different ways to save and how our team helps you find them.

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How Is Your Heater Doing?

March 1st, 2021

Spring is right around the corner, so you made it! Sometimes it’s a good idea to take a break from your hectic life and appreciate the little things, like how nice it is that your heater made it through another tough winter. Regardless of whether or not you needed professional furnace repair in Wilmette, IL, you’ve made it to spring and it should only get easier from here, right?

Well, before you throw your heater into the basement and clap the dust off your hands, take a moment to think about your heater. Take note of all the hardships it’s put you through, the noises it has made, and the efficiency issues it has dealt with. How is your heater?

If you’re nervous about the condition of your heating system, or the future of your heating in the winters to come, then you’re in the right place.

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February Heating Checklist for 2021

February 15th, 2021

Now that we’re almost a full two weeks through February, homeowners might be thinking about winding down their heating systems. This sounds like a good idea, except for the fact that another cold front could swoop in and cause chillier weather before March arrives.

That’s why we’ve decided to put together a checklist for your heating system. You need your heating in Winnetka, IL to work throughout the rest of the season, which is why we’ve listed some best practices that could help your system persist. If you follow this checklist and spend some time every month paying a bit of attention to your heating system, we promise you’ll be in good shape for the months ahead.

Remember, you’re not alone! If you run into any strange sounds or hassles coming from your heating system, call us as soon as possible. Our team has the tools and expertise necessary to fix the root of the problem.

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Could a Boiler Be Your Best Heating Option?

February 1st, 2021

Are boilers the best heating system in the world? Well, that depends on a lot of things, and we’d argue that in general there are better heating systems for our neck of the woods. However, some homes might be perfect for a boiler system, and we just can’t ignore that.

If you’re one of the homeowners out there in need of boiler repair in Wilmette, IL and you’ve been thinking about switching to a different system, let’s talk. Boilers do require their fair share of repairs, as all heating systems do, but some homes are uniquely well-equipped to deal with boilers over other heating systems.

What makes your home right for a boiler system? And why is boiler repair harder in other homes and with subpar contractors? Let’s dig into some industry info and make sure you’re on the right path.

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Uh Oh, a Water Leak! Here’s What to Do

January 18th, 2021

There are few things in this world that are worse than finding out your water heater is leaking. A leaking water heater isn’t just going to give you trouble with water damage, poor hot water output, and other issues, but it’s also going to ruin the efficiency of your home. It’s pretty much a catastrophe and you need to deal with it as soon as possible.

Luckily, we’ve got some tips to help you when you’re dealing with a problematic water heater in Glenview, IL. We can help you get the leak addressed, assess the damage to your plumbing and your water heater, and eventually get at whether or not your water heater needs to be replaced or not.

We seek to keep you informed because a more informed customer is going to be easier to work with when trying to discuss long term solutions.

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