6 Furnace Safety Tips to Remember

January 4th, 2021

Skokie furnace repairs are necessary in order to keep things from becoming dangerous, uncomfortable, and unusable. Your furnace should work for you, burning gas at a nominal rate, to provide warm temperatures that keep you happy. If there’s a problem at any point during this operation, it could lead so a safety concern down the line. That’s what we’re here to prevent.

Our team specializes in furnace safety to the point where we provide yearly maintenance on all gas furnaces to ensure they work properly going into the heating season. For furnaces that don’t meet our standards, we recommend furnace repairs so that we can fix targeted components of your unit that are causing problems.

Enough about what we do, we want to talk to you about things you can do to improve furnace safety going into 2021. Here are six invaluable tips that can lead to a safer furnace operation.

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Retrofit Your Heater the Right Way

December 22nd, 2020

Older homes are beautiful. We would never, under any circumstances, tell a family in a wonderful old home to move somewhere else because of high heating bills. While other contractors might say that’s the best option, they only say that because there’s nothing they can do to help you. We have the tools to help, though.

Welcome to the world of retrofitting. Retrofitting is the process of installing state-of-the-art heating equipment into a home that’s a lot older. We work on improving duct quality, performing correct load calculations, and going above and beyond to make sure your heating in Highland Park, IL works as well as it would in a brand-new home.

Let’s take a journey together into the realm of retrofitting, where our favorite old homes can enjoy efficient and effective heating with our help. We’ll help you figure out what you’ll need when it comes to retrofitting your home today.

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What Makes Us the Furnace Experts?

December 7th, 2020

You might be sitting back in your chair thinking, “wow, who calls themselves the experts?” and laughing at our boldness. While we understand the sentiment, we are also confident in our ability to be the local furnace experts. When we’re talking about furnace repair in Wilmette, IL, it’s clear that we know what we’re doing.

We want to talk about a few points that solidify in everyone’s mind why we’re the furnace experts. From our prompt attention when you need us, to our extensive training and experience with furnace heating systems, you get what you pay for when you sign up with our team. We’re in this business to provide quality, long-term solutions for your heating system, and we’re going to discuss how you can achieve that as long as you just keep reading!

Oh, and if you’re struggling with a furnace issue right now—then stop reading and call us!

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The Science Behind Heat and Energy Recovery

November 23rd, 2020

Heat and energy recovery ventilators are a new piece of technology that are making the rounds. Sure, there are some homeowners that are more likely to buy whatever their trusted professional tells them to, but our customers a bit smarter than that. You want to know exactly what you’re getting into if you invest in these kinds of HVAC services in Highland Park, IL.

We agree! We would never want you to pay money for something you don’t at least somewhat understand—so that’s the point of this blog today. If you keep reading, we’ll go into detail about how heat and energy recovery ventilators work, what you can expect from them, and why they could be perfect for your home comfort. Keep those windows closed this summer or winter, while still enjoying the fresh air you know and love.

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How to Choose the Right Professional

November 9th, 2020

We’ve spoken a lot on this blog about the importance of choosing a professional for your HVAC work. This is a big deal because too many homeowners let amateurs or family members provide important heating services in Winnetka, IL which ultimately cost them in the long run. Choosing a professional to complete this work is the first big hurdle to cross. What’s the second?

Choosing the right professional for the job is an even harder task that homeowners have to do. It can be hard sifting through the promotions, the technical jargon, and the selling points to get down to the vital details—what matters the most to you.

Today, we’re going to make the case that our team is the right team for your prospective heating services. We have knowledgeable technicians, we’re family-owned and operated, and we’ve got a few selling perks that are sure to pique your interest. Keep reading to find out more!

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Choosing the Right Heater for Your Home

October 26th, 2020

Heaters come in all shapes and sizes. We are by no means a “one-size-fits-all” type of company, and that’s good in many ways. For starters, homeowners are more satisfied with our work because of how we’re able to find customized solutions for different homes, different heating standards, and different efficiency levels. Some homeowners don’t have access to natural gas, for instance, and we can set them up with an equally efficient and powerful system that will do right by them.

So, if you’re on the market, what do you need to know when it comes to choosing the right heater? Sure, we perform furnace repair in Lake Forest, IL, as well as furnace installation—but furnaces are not the only heating solution you have to get set up with.

Let’s talk about the different heating systems and zero in on one that’s right for you.

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It’s Heating Season! 3 Tips to Get Ready

October 12th, 2020

This is exciting! We haven’t had a blog post about heaters since last year and it’s finally time to get our heads in the right place. You can feel the temperatures drop, smell the scent of harvest and pumpkin spice, and the kids are just about ready to show you their Halloween costumes. While those things might be a little different in 2020, one thing that will always be constant is your need for a quality heater.

Heaters require some help when they’re turned on for the first time in the season. For starters, getting them repaired when they’re still suffering from a problem that occurred last year is always a good idea. Investing in heater maintenance in Morton Grove, IL is also a great way to limit expensive repairs this year and improve your system’s efficiency.

Keep comfortable with our three tips for this heating season.

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5 Signs You Need Professional AC Help

September 28th, 2020

So, you’ve been spending hours in the backyard clearing out and looking at your air conditioner’s outdoor cabinet. Every part of you wants to open that cabinet up and take a look inside so you can locate the problem and fix it. You’ve watched all the twenty-minute tutorials online about how to fix your air conditioner when confronted with a problem.

Well, we hate to have to say it, you need professional help.

How can you trust everything you’ve watched about air conditioning repair in Glencoe, IL online? What says that voice on a podcast about air conditioners or is a trustworthy one? Not to mention the fact that opening your air conditioner up could void the warranty and make you pay a lot more money than you’d like. Keep reading so we can tell you why professional service is well worth the money.

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Your AC Filter Replacement Guide

September 14th, 2020

Do you need help replacing the filter in your air conditioner? Perhaps you’ve never done it before or you’re scared that you’ll open up the wrong compartment and void the warranty of your system? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. It’s actually a pretty simple process to clean or entirely replace your air conditioner’s filter. As long as you follow along with our handy guide, you’ve got nothing to worry about!

Replacing an air filter is fundamental to Deerfield air conditioning services. It’s something that homeowners should be able to do on their own. That doesn’t mean we can’t help you every step of the way, though!

Make sure you call us if you run into any problems. We’ve tried to address every point down below but there can still be things you encounter that we haven’t mentioned. Our technicians can help you on the phone, as long as you call us!

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Seal the Deal: Get Your Ducts Sealed Today!

August 31st, 2020

When we say seal, we’re not talking about the animal. We’re talking about the airtight vacuum that’s created in your air ducts, allowing the cooled air of your air conditioner to flow freely into your home. Without sealed air ducts, you’re going to leak a lot of air that you’re paying for, and your AC is going to work harder than it normally would.

Here at Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. we’re a major HVAC company in Wheeling, IL that can provide duct sealing services at an affordable price. This type of service can save you money in the long run, decrease your overall energy consumption rate, and keep your HVAC equipment running well into old age.

Keep reading as we discuss just how much energy you could be saving, and why duct sealing services could be a huge difference your home needs.

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