Why Is HVAC Work So Expensive?

July 4th, 2022

You might be surprised to see a team of HVAC professionals aware of this, but many homeowners think that HVAC work is too expensive these days. Back in the day, it cost a lot less to have your air conditioner fixed, your refrigerant recharged, or even your ductwork repaired. Some neighbors or friends will even tell you that they used to make those fixes on their own, especially if they were trying to save money.

So, what makes things different now? Are air conditioners really that different from how they used to be? Are professionals really more trained or experienced than they used to be? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding yes, but it’s just not that simple. Let’s talk about why hiring an HVAC company in Wheeling, IL is going to cost more than it used to–and why that might not be too bad.

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Short Cycling: Why It’s Never a Good Sign

June 20th, 2022

We’ve discussed short cycling on this blog before, but it’s usually in the context of replacing an air conditioner that’s too large. The truth is that short cycling can occur for multiple different reasons and require extensive repairs to fix.

We want to start off today by reminding homeowners about the normal cooling cycle that an air conditioner performs. Your system should turn on, cool the air in your home, and shut back off after a good 15 minutes of solid cooling. (This can vary from system to system, you’ll actually be familiar with how long a cooling cycle lasts if you listen to your system) If your air conditioner starts running short and frequent bursts, then there’s a problem that needs to be fixed.

From here, you can shut your system down and call our team for air conditioning repair in Wheeling, IL where we can address it head-on.

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Our Guide to Ice on the AC

June 6th, 2022

You might be one of many homeowners in our area who deal with ice growing on the coils of your AC. While this isn’t a good thing to have happen (hence the topic of our blog post), it’s not necessarily uncommon. We see this issue happen time and time again, which is why we want to try and inform our customers as to why this might happen. After all, your air conditioner is not an icebox, it doesn’t use ice to cool the air of your home, so the cooling process should be relatively ice-free.

Right off the bat, if you need support for your HVAC in Lincolnwood, IL, then you can shut your system off and call us for help. Our team provides quick and effective AC repairs that are specifically designed to diagnose and correct problems, no matter how extensive they are. We can help you, just give us a call and keep reading!

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Let’s Talk Tankless

May 23rd, 2022

A water heater might not be the most fun purchase you’ve ever made in your life. Water heaters work best when you forget about them, getting your mind off of stressful things while you relax in a hot shower or bath. We understand how good that can feel, which is why we need to stress how important it is that you spend the right amount of time and money investing in a new water heater installation in Morton Grove, IL.

The more you think about your water heating needs and your budget, the more likely you’ll be able to make a sound decision when choosing the right system for you and your family. That process might just be choosing a new tank water heater to replace the old one, or actually, it might involve investing in a new, high-tech tankless water heating system.

Let’s discuss if a tankless water heater might be right for your home.

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When Does an Air Conditioner Need to Be Repaired?

May 9th, 2022

Your air conditioning system is going to require service eventually. The trick is trying to figure out when the AC must be fixed and when you can skate by until a few weeks later when you’ve got the money to pay for it. Unfortunately, the safe bet is that most AC problems would be better off with immediate attention. Realistically though, you might not have the money right now to pay for an immediate repair.

We completely understand, and we’re never going to shame anyone for being on a strict budget. Times are tough, especially with high gas prices and supply chain problems, it’s important that you only spend money on things that you absolutely need to. Let’s talk about air conditioning repair in Morton Grove, IL, and whether or not you need to schedule it immediately.

Our team is always available to give you additional pointers if you need specific support.

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Don’t Neglect End of the Season Repairs!

April 25th, 2022

The cold season is coming to an end, and spring is here. It’s time to switch the heating appliances for cooling appliances.

Your furnace has worked over the winter to warm your home, and it is now time to put it out of commission. It makes sense to conduct a maintenance check before storing it away.

Checking for repairs and maintenance ensures all issues are solved, keeping the furnace ready for the next cold season.

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Get Ready for Warmer Temperatures!

April 11th, 2022

Hey folks, it’s the Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning team here! Normally springtime is a great period where we’d talk about air conditioning maintenance and ask about your new home improvement projects, but this post is going to be a little different. We realize that warm temperatures are on their way and many of our community members might be nervous about what that entails. Especially if you’ve got an air conditioner that was having trouble last year, you’re probably thinking about tips and tricks that will help improve the comfort and efficiency of your home.

Well, we’ve got your back! This post is going to go into three unique tips that you can use to help improve your home this summer. And, since it’s still spring, you’ve got plenty of time to get your home ready and to introduce the whole family to these DIY projects. Just remember to leave the AC repair in Winnetka, IL to us!

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When a Repair Can Be Too Expensive

March 28th, 2022

You might not think that an HVAC provider would consider a “repair too expensive,” but we’re going to go out on a limb and say that it absolutely happens. Sometimes your air conditioner repair in Winnetka, IL is going to be absurdly expensive, like when the compressor fails or breaks down, and you’re going to consider whether to even invest in this service at all. It happens, and especially with so many people going through economic turmoil, these decisions are becoming more frequent.

We’re not here to tell you what’s worth your money. Only you can make the best financial decision for your budget and your family. But what we will tell you is that AC repairs can sometimes be too expensive, because you’re likely looking at a replacement issue. Replacement is going to be expensive, but the long-term savings from a full system replacement can usually be much better than the results from an expensive repair.

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It’s Time for Spring Maintenance!

March 14th, 2022

How is your air conditioner doing? That’s probably a hard question to answer because most of us haven’t been in close contact with our AC units for months. If it’s still covered with a tarp and sitting in your backyard then don’t worry, that’s probably where it’s supposed to be for at least another month or two. However, soon or later you’re going to be taking that cover off and running that system, so we might as well get straight to the point–is your air conditioner maintained?

Spring is the perfect time for maintenance. In our blog post today, we’re going to go into detail about why spring is the best time for AC maintenance in Winnetka, IL. Our team’s schedule is freeing up and when your join our maintenance program, you’ll gain access to a whole host of benefits! Keep reading to learn more and don’t forget to click our link and sign up.

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3 Ways to Detect a Refrigerant Leak

February 28th, 2022

When we write blogs, we’re mainly trying to aim them at community members who might need our helpful services. We’ve got a lot of heat pump owners in the area, so we like to write insightful blogs about heat pumps so that they know when to call for help. Today is going to be one of those days, so if you’re encountering heat pump issues, you’re in the right place!

A refrigerant leak is one of the most insidious problems you can encounter as a heat pump owner. Heat pumps rely on refrigerant to both heat and cool a home, so when the system starts accidentally ejecting refrigerant, your efficiency, comfort, and heat pump will suffer as a result.

Keep reading to learn more about refrigerant leaks and remember to call us for heat pump services in Winnetka, IL! We are standing by and ready to patch your system’s leak.

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