Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioner Repair’

Does Your Home Need New Ductwork? 

Monday, August 26th, 2024

The ductwork attached to your HVAC system has a significant impact on how comfortable your home is and how high or low your energy costs are. Taking care of your ductwork and replacing it when necessary can go a long way toward overall comfort, indoor air quality, and costs for heating and cooling your home.

You can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that can indicate it’s time to get all new ductwork. When you are ready to schedule an in-home assessment, just call our duct installers in Morton Grove, IL. We can take a look at your existing ductwork, and make a recommendation on the next steps for either repair or replacement.

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When a Repair Can Be Too Expensive

Monday, March 28th, 2022

You might not think that an HVAC provider would consider a “repair too expensive,” but we’re going to go out on a limb and say that it absolutely happens. Sometimes your air conditioner repair in Winnetka, IL is going to be absurdly expensive, like when the compressor fails or breaks down, and you’re going to consider whether to even invest in this service at all. It happens, and especially with so many people going through economic turmoil, these decisions are becoming more frequent.

We’re not here to tell you what’s worth your money. Only you can make the best financial decision for your budget and your family. But what we will tell you is that AC repairs can sometimes be too expensive, because you’re likely looking at a replacement issue. Replacement is going to be expensive, but the long-term savings from a full system replacement can usually be much better than the results from an expensive repair.

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5 Signs You Need Professional AC Help

Monday, September 28th, 2020

So, you’ve been spending hours in the backyard clearing out and looking at your air conditioner’s outdoor cabinet. Every part of you wants to open that cabinet up and take a look inside so you can locate the problem and fix it. You’ve watched all the twenty-minute tutorials online about how to fix your air conditioner when confronted with a problem.

Well, we hate to have to say it, you need professional help.

How can you trust everything you’ve watched about air conditioning repair in Glencoe, IL online? What says that voice on a podcast about air conditioners or is a trustworthy one? Not to mention the fact that opening your air conditioner up could void the warranty and make you pay a lot more money than you’d like. Keep reading so we can tell you why professional service is well worth the money.

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Your AC Filter Replacement Guide

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Do you need help replacing the filter in your air conditioner? Perhaps you’ve never done it before or you’re scared that you’ll open up the wrong compartment and void the warranty of your system? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. It’s actually a pretty simple process to clean or entirely replace your air conditioner’s filter. As long as you follow along with our handy guide, you’ve got nothing to worry about!

Replacing an air filter is fundamental to Deerfield air conditioning services. It’s something that homeowners should be able to do on their own. That doesn’t mean we can’t help you every step of the way, though!

Make sure you call us if you run into any problems. We’ve tried to address every point down below but there can still be things you encounter that we haven’t mentioned. Our technicians can help you on the phone, as long as you call us!

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3 AC Noises You Should Never Ignore

Monday, July 20th, 2020

No air conditioner runs completely silently. You’re going to hear it cycle on and off if you’re near your compressor, and then of course there’s the whoosh of air coming through your vents. Too many homeowners operate under the assumption that their banging air conditioner is just working as intended when really it’s screaming out for help.

We wish air conditioners were programmed with a voice that could tell us when they need repairs, but they’re not. AC repair in Winnetka is vital when you’re hearing disconcerting noises from our system.

Let’s talk about some of the noises that an air conditioner can make, what they correspond to, and what you can do to help! Obviously, any concerns can be sent to us since we’re your local air conditioning experts. Don’t be afraid to give us a call.

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The Problem with a Noisy Cooling System

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Is your air conditioner making noises? No, we’re not talking about the slight sound of whooshing air or the clicking every now and then when the system turns on. We’re talking about noises like banging, buzzing, screeching, or anything that might keep you up at night. If your system is starting to sound more like a monster that hides under your bed than a quiet, cooling system, then you’re likely got a problem.

These problems are not the kinds of problems you can just ignore. Problems associated with noises almost always signify the need for air conditioning service in Winnetka, IL because of how they can often compound into more expensive issues down the line. Sure, if you don’t care about the condition of your AC and you’re okay with paying exorbitant prices later on, then you can ignore it. For everyone else, keep reading. We’re going to discuss the details of air conditioner noises and what they might mean for you.

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Are You Dealing with Short Cycling?

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Air conditioners that are set up correctly and properly maintained don’t tend to have catastrophic problems very often. That’s why we advise homeowners so much to have their air conditioning systems set up with the help of a professional. Amateur service can start an air conditioner off badly, leading to a plethora of repair needs down the line—and one of those issues is sizing.

Air conditioners must be sized accordingly, and an air conditioner that is installed by an amateur has a less likely chance of being sized appropriately for your home. Homeowners that deal with an incorrectly sized air conditioner will run into a problem called short cycling, and that’s what our informative blog post is about today. What is short cycling? How does it develop? Will you really need an AC replacement in Winnetka, IL if you’re dealing with a short cycling system?

Keep reading and we’ll get to the bottom of all these questions.

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