Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Northbrook’

How to Prepare Your Home for a New Heating System

Monday, December 4th, 2023

It’s time to get rid of that old heating system, and put a new one in its place. There’s just one problem: you’ve never done this before, and you don’t know what to expect. Don’t worry–getting your home ready for a new heating system may sound daunting, but we’re going to show you that it doesn’t have to be.

When you get heating installation in Northbrook, IL, you want it to go as smoothly as possible and be an upgrade, not just a replacement. Well, this is what you can do to make that happen.

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The 3 Big Warning Signs That Your Heater is in Trouble

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

As the temperatures drop and the chilly winds of winter start to blow, your home’s heating system becomes your best friend, providing glorious warmth and comfort. But like any mechanical system, heaters can experience issues over time.

Recognizing the warning signs early can help you avoid a complete breakdown and costly repairs. Here are the three big warning signs that your heater may be in trouble and need heating repair in Northbrook, IL.

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Here’s What Can Go Wrong During AC Installation

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Your air conditioner’s most important day is the day it’s installed. The way that it’s installed matters, because if it’s done incorrectly, it can have long-term ramifications for the longevity of the whole unit. We want you to be equipped to know what to look for while the installation techs are doing their thing.

We’ve handled a lot of AC installation in Northbrook, IL, seen just about everything you can expect to see, and this is us sharing all of that experience and knowledge with you so that you don’t run into the same problems.

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How to Spot Bad Local Heating Contractors

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Your home comfort is a big deal. You and your family rely on it year-round, but especially when winter hits and the heater needs to come on. That means you can’t just leave your family’s comfort up to the work of amateurs.

Finding the right heating contractors in Northbrook, IL is simple once you learn how to find the bad ones. This is what it looks like when you run into a heating contractor that you shouldn’t hire under any circumstances. Let’s look at these red flags.

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What’s in Your Air: Why Your Indoor Air Quality is Worse Than You Think

Monday, July 17th, 2023

The air you breathe isn’t just important–it’s critical to your health. Every minute of every day, you could be breathing in allergens, pet dander, dust, debris, and disease-causing bacteria.

If that made you tense up, that’s a good thing. Thankfully, a whole house air purifier in Northbrook, IL can help you take control of your indoor air quality. This helps you sleep better, breathe easier, and live better. Let’s break into all the details below.

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What’s in Your Air? Why Your Indoor Air Quality is Worse Than You Think

Monday, June 26th, 2023

The air you breathe is pretty important. Everyone can agree with that. But the air in your home as it stands right now could have up to 3.5x more pollutants than the air outside (and in some cases, even more than that).

The answer? A whole house air purifier in Northbrook, IL. By purifying the air in your home, you help everyone in your home breathe a little easier. But why? Let’s take a look at what’s floating around in the air you breathe right now.

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What Is HVAC Retrofitting? Does it Make Sense for Your Home?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

In your home, there’s already a way to get warm or cool air from one room to the next. There’s ductwork, vents, and a whole system already installed (at least, in most modern homes). So what happens when the actual air conditioner itself goes out? Or when your heater fails?

That’s when you consider an HVAC retrofit in Northbrook, IL. It’s when you don’t want to rip out the old ductwork or even your AC cabinet, but you clearly need components to be switched out and a breath of life pushed into your HVAC unit.

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What to Expect During New Duct Installation

Monday, March 13th, 2023

New ductwork is a big project for your home. If your old ductwork has deteriorated or is simply no longer useful, then you’ll have to replace it to maintain good levels of energy efficiency.

But how do you know what to expect with duct installation in Northbrook, IL? There might be more to it than you realize, so let’s walk through the process together so you aren’t blindsided.

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Can Radiant Heating Be Repaired?

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Your radiant heating system has been a massive improvement to your quality of life and home comfort, but now it’s not working quite as well as before. You know the installation was intricate, so is it something that can be repaired?

Thankfully, yes: it can be repaired. It’s not as straightforward as fixing other types of home heating systems, but it can be done. Before you call for radiant heat repair in Northbrook, IL, it’s important to know what types of repairs you can expect.

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4 Signs That Your Boiler Needs Repair

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Your boiler can last for well over a decade, but if it doesn’t get the right repairs it needs along the way, that lifespan is greatly shortened. You have to be keen about when your boiler needs repairs, so if you’re not someone who knows the intricacies of HVAC, these four common signs are the first signals that your boiler needs help.

You may boiler repair in Northbrook, IL; we’re going to help you find out if repair is imminent, or if it can be avoided for a while. This is everything you need to know about your boiler.

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